Sunday, December 17, 2006

An Angel

When I stumble
And trip along the way
I feel like a flower wilting
On a hot summer day.

Then an angel sits beside me
Her gentleness eases my fears
She whispers softly to me
As she wipes away the tears

In her hand she carries a candle
Aglow with guiding light
I know that she will be with me
And all will be alright

Tina 8/14/06


Blogger mile191 said...

you write beautifully. in your profile you said your history of abuse. if i hadn't been abandoned at one month to 17 my story would have been the same. started at 9....i am just beginning to write, it was nice to find someone who, well, could understand me. the pain, the hurting, the heartache, the not feeling whole, does it every change?

November 17, 2008  

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